Kamis, 19 Mei 2011


LaLanne had more than once said: “People do not die of old age, they die of inactivity ..”
We also remember his trademark suit and tie and his enthusiasm for sports and fitness. I see him doing jumping jacks – on television in black and white.
After hearing a lecture by Paul Bragg on the benefits of exercise and eating unprocessed foods, has sworn LaLanne young white flour, sugar and most fats and began to eat more fruits and vegetables .
Even if you’ve never heard of Lalanne, his pioneering work in bodybuilding and weight training to improve the health and dietary guidelines affect the overall health and wellness awareness of the past 60 years.
Jack was certainly a pioneer ahead of his time on health and fitness. We have all benefited from his commitment to helping others to build positive habits and live life long, healthy and happy.
Yes, Jack LaLanne square of the curve and you can too. Growing young is to live forever – it is about life and let the Jack Lalanne. Posted in Anti Aging | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

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